Why our Inherent Design as Men and Women Creates a Thriving Society

There exists a pervasive notion within our contemporary culture, one which proposes that the most harmonious path for a man and a woman in a relationship is to each embody 50% masculine and 50% feminine energy. This belief asserts that a kind of equilibrium, a perfect symmetry of masculine and feminine within each individual, is the key to a balanced, successful relationship.

There was a time in my life where I subscribed to this notion, convinced that this was the enlightened way forward. However, upon deeper reflection and understanding, I've come to recognize an inherent flaw in this perspective. A relationship that strives for this 50/50 split can often feel stagnant, bereft of the dynamic energy and polarity that breathes life into a partnership.

Imagine a seesaw perpetually balanced in the middle, neither side touching the ground, neither side soaring into the sky. In a relationship where both partners are striving to be equally masculine and feminine, the same stasis occurs. The man is not given the opportunity to fully embody his full masculinity, nor the woman to embrace her full femininity. They remain in a state of neutrality, not one thing nor the other, which can result in mediocrity.

Indeed, our culture is steadily advancing the idea that gender roles are redundant, even harmful. Yet, this viewpoint disregards the powerful dynamic that natural gender roles can create. The reality is that men are biologically more masculine than women, and women more feminine than men. These differences aren't arbitrary; they are rooted in our very biology. So, why then should we resist aligning with this truth?

By embracing our inherent masculine or feminine nature, we foster a society where the highest expression of masculinity and femininity can be not only honored but celebrated. However, this potent realization can only manifest within a culture that acknowledges and promotes the importance of natural gender roles.

In a society that dismisses these roles, the best we can hope for is mediocrity. The populace, devoid of the opportunity to fully express their natural masculine or feminine energy, will never reach their full potential. The question then arises - is this the kind of society we wish to cultivate?

For me, the answer is a resounding no. I envision a society where the majority of people acknowledge and align with their inherent masculine or feminine design. A society where men can thrive in their masculinity, and women can flourish in their femininity.

A society that truly thrives in accordance with the vibrant expression of masculinity and femininity, allowing each individual to live their fullest potential. It is within this rich tapestry of masculine and feminine energy that we find the pulse of a dynamic, thriving society, one which honors the natural design of men and women. This, I believe, is the path to a vibrant, flourishing civilization.


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